Harry James Financial

I cut my teeth working as a Corporate Trust Officer at Canada Trust in the early 80’s. In 1984 I launched out into a career that anyone with a pulse qualified for, selling life insurance. Not glamorous but rewarding on many levels from sitting under the best speakers and mentors in the world to leaning into my fears to see what I was made of and what I could accomplish in sales.

Throughout this time I developed an idea that objective financial advice, dispensed by salaried educated, experienced advisors would be fully embraced by potential clients. On this basis Harry James Financial Services was birthed in 1993 and opened on Main Street Markham under the franchise name Ross Dixon Financial. It worked! Ultimately harry james financial was acquired by a public company in 2007 for the largest multiple that any financial services firm would sell for at that time. The original objective of the acquiring company was to take the model  across Canada.

Kawartha Rock Quarry

We started the quarry in 2007, like many entrepreneurs with a vision and the faith that it would somehow all work out. We started from scratch with a licence, no systems, processes, reputation or clients.  As a matter of fact none of us had any experience in the quarry business whatsoever. Now colour, character and consistency is synonymous with Kawartha Rock custom cut and dimensional stone. A stellar reputation and a client base filled with loyal customers that know the people behind Kawartha take pride in their craft.

For all the right reasons my good friend and business partner George Griffith took full ownership of the quarry in the spring of 2020. To be candid it was hard, most entrepreneurs will tell you when you give up one of your businesses it’s like putting one of your kids up for adoption (ok not that bad but close). For 13 years I handled marketing, finance and administration while George ran equipment and operations. We had a lot of ups and downs and some pretty tense moments along the way but we always had each other’s backs and we always put our staff and customers first, it was never a debate.

It became clear however during the harsh shutdown of Covid that some significant changes were needed in order to protect our staff, stakeholders and customers. Mr. Griffith and I worked out an agreement that was a challenge for both of us but our guiding light was to do what was best for the future of the company. It is interesting how so many of us just use the financial thermometer to determine success.

In the case of the quarry I take great pride in seeing that logo knowing that our original vision is being carried out everyday under the leadership of someone that cares and has the intestinal fortitude to step up and do the right thing. Even when you move on in business your original contribution can and do live on. The website for the best custom stone and service in the industry is right here, like the product, this company is rock solid.