Project Type: Real Estate Renovation
Timeline: 2016 - Present
Result: Success

Live Real Factory Markham

The live real factory was born out of the ashes of our restaurant Marca on Main. After we shut down operations, I was close to renovating this space into offices. I had a hard time thinking about ripping it out though because the space simply has an incredibly warming embrace and almost magical feel. Everyone that enters the factory has the same experience which I put down to my wife and Joe’s build and design talents.

One night I was reflecting on the next chapter of my business journey which involves workshops on work-life balance as well as one called retirement’s a lie that breaks down the myths & preconceived notions that aging must mean decline. I hopped into bed and a few hours later woke up with the epiphany that I should convert the kitchen of the restaurant into a stage and that I should rename Marca on Main the live real factory.

The purpose of the new space is to celebrate, educate, inspire and motivate everyone at every stage of life and to recognize that time is our most valuable asset, the only asset worthy of being locked in a vault. Thankfully the vision has been embraced and the live real factory continues to share the philosophy with all those that enjoy being in the moment.

Take a 360 tour of the Live Real Factory